
Our Audience

  • B2C Audience

    Companies are constantly researching consumer behavior because they are not only making purchasing decisions about goods and services, but are also the engine of our economy. In essence, businesses often need to conduct consumer research to determine when, where, and how to position their products.

  • B2B Audience

    Research CliQ provides direct access to trained business professionals and high-level influencers in the banking, IT, healthcare, human resources and other industries.

  • Niche Audience

    Hard to reach audience like people suffering from Autism, Female with Menopause, and many others can be reached through our Audience panel.

  • Focus Group

    Qualitative study, interview the respondents through Zoom/Meet/MSTeam.

Why Choose Us

  • - 75% B2B verified panelist through LinkedIn.
  • - 25M+ worldwide active panelists.
  • - Only Email verified members for your market research studies.
  • - We implement reasonable and effective quality check logics to verify panelists and make them attentive.